Change Column Width and Row Height
To change the width
of a column or
the height of a row:
§ Click the Format button on the Cells group of the Home tab
§ Manually adjust the height and width by clicking Row Height or Column Width
§ To use AutoFit click AutoFit Row Height or AutoFit Column Width
Hide or Unhide Rows or Columns
To hide or unhide rows
or columns:
§ Select the row or column you wish to hide or unhide
§ Click the Format button on the Cells group of the Home tab
§ Click Hide & Unhide
Merge Cells
To merge cells select the cells
you want to merge and click the Merge & Center
button on
the Alignment group of the
Home tab. The four choices
for merging cells
Merge &
Center: Combines the
and centers the contents
in the
new, larger cell
Merge Across: Combines the
cells across columns without centering data
Merge Cells: Combines
the cells in a range without centering
Unmerge Cells: Splits the cell
that has been merged
Align Cell Contents
To align cell contents, click the cell
or cells you want to align and click on the
within the Alignment group on the Home tab. There
are several options
for alignment of cell contents:
Top Align:
Aligns text to the top of the cell
Middle Align:
Aligns text between the
and bottom of the cell
Bottom Align: Aligns text to the
bottom of the cell
Align Text Left: Aligns text to the left of the cell
Center: Centers the text from left to
right in the
Align Text
Right: Aligns text to
the right of
the cell
Decrease Indent: Decreases the
indent between the left border
the text Increase Indent:
Increase the indent between the left border and the
text Orientation:
Rotate the text diagonally or vertically
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