Basic Feature of Microsoft Word 2007

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Basic Feature of Microsoft Word 2007
You are now ready to learn how to create a Word document. This lesson covers typing,  using the Backspace key, using the Delete key, inserting text, bolding, underlining, and italicizing. To begin, open Microsoft Word. 
Type, Backspace, and Delete
In Microsoft Word, you create documents by typing them. For example, if you want to create a report, you open Microsoft Word and then begin typing. You do not have to do anything when your text reaches the end of a line and you want to move to a new line—Microsoft Word automatically moves your text to a new line.  If you want to start a new paragraph, press Enter. Microsoft word creates a blank line to indicate the start of a new paragraph. To capitalize, hold down the Shift key while typing the letter you want to capitalize.  If you make a mistake, you can delete what you typed and then type your correction.
You can use the Backspace key to delete. Each time you press the Backspace key, Microsoft Word deletes the character that precedes the insertion point. The  insertion point is the point at which your mouse pointer is located. You can also delete text by using the Delete key. First, you select the text you want to delete; then you press the Delete key.
Type and Backspace
·          Type the following sentence: 
I want to see Microsoft office Tutorial at
·          Delete the word ".org" Using either the arrow keys or the mouse, place the cursor between the period and the "g" in ".org"
·          Press the Backspace key until the word ".com" is deleted.
·          Type “.com” The sentence should now read:
" I want to see Microsoft office Tutorial at"
Insert and Overtype
While creating your document, you may find you need to insert text—place new text between existing text. Suppose, you type the sentence, "you are trainer"  After typing it, you decide you want to change the sentence to "you were a trainer" With Microsoft Word, inserting a word, phrase, or even several paragraphs is very easy.
Alternatively, you may want to overtype text—replace old text with new text. For example, suppose you type the sentence, "you were a trainer." After typing it, you decide you want to change the sentence to  "I was a trainer at"  Before you attempt to insert or overtype, you should check the mode you are in—Insert or Overtype. You right-click the Status bar and then use the Customize Status Bar menu to place the Insert /Overtype button on the Status bar. You can then use the Insert/Overtype button to switch between Insert and Overtype mode. When you are in Insert mode, you can insert text. When you are in Overtype mode, you can overtype text.
Placing the Insert/Overtype button on the Status bar
·          Right-click the Status bar. The Customize Status Bar menu appears.
·          Click Overtype. The Insert/Overtype button appears on the Status bar.
·          If the word Insert appears on the Status bar, you are in Insert mode.
·          If the word Overtype appears on the Status bar, click the word Overtype and it will change to Insert, thereby changing Word to insert mode.
Make sure you are in Insert mode before proceeding. You are going to insert the word "am" between the words "were" and "a trainer."
·          Place the cursor after the space between the words "were" and "a trainer."
·          Type the word am.
·          Press the spacebar to add a space.
·          The sentence should now read: 
"I am a trainer "
Note: You can overtype text without changing to Overtype mode by selecting the text you want to overtype and then typing.

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